
Intro of Roses and how to plant it

Taking care of roses is easier than it is for most indoor plants. The plants love sunshine and well-drained soil. The roses bloom in spring and summer, and you can have multiple flowers on a single bush. If you are feeling ready to grow your roses, here's how to do it;

  1. Prepare the ground

You ought to prepare a hole in the ground inside your garden about 18 inches wide and deep. The measurements should accommodate your plant’s root ball. You can add bone meal, compost, or other organic matter to your soil to improve its quality. Doing so helps the rose bush to grow fast after planting.

  1. Get the rose ready for planting or transplanting.

If your bush is in a container, you need to remove it gently, careful not to break any roots or lose the soil. If you use the bare-root plant without the bush, you could soak the seeds for at least 12 hours before planting. Doing so prevents the roots from drying out.

  1. Plant the rose and apply mulch

Make a mound in the middle of the hole and place your bare root. A seedling from a pot should be easy to transplant as it comes with its own medium/soil around the base. Use the bone meal- soil mixture to cover the roots and the root ball depending on whether you use a bare-root or a container-grown seedling. Apply mulch at the base of the plant to prevent water loss and invasion by weeds.

  1. Care and maintenance

The care and maintenance routine begins. It involves watering, pruning, looking out for pests, and applying fertilizer.

Rose plant care guide

  • Temperature: The ideal temperature for planting rose plants is between 40 and 60°F. The weather should give the plant time to form more substantial and more significant roots and settle before summer. Be sure to plant your roses when the winter lapses.
  • Water: Roses hate wet feet but require regular watering. To avoid overwatering, make sure the soil is well-draining. New plants need water daily, but you can always cut down with time.
  • Soil: Roses thrive in acidic to neutral soil with perfect drainage.
  • Pest and disease control: Roses are susceptible to fungal infections when exposed to excessive moisture and inadequate sunlight. Be sure to apply insecticidal soap. Also, using a soaker hose should help you prevent giving your plant wet feet.
  • Sunlight: Plant your roses in full sun. Roses hate shades. Planting your rose under a shadow or a tree could cause them to have powdery mildew and black spot diseases. Full sun and partial shade are perfect for your roses.